IslamismContested Perspectives on Political Islam【電子書籍】

<p>As America struggles to understand Islam and Muslims on the world stage, one concept in particular dominates public discourse: Islamism. References to Islamism and Islamists abound in the media, in think tanks, and in the general study of Islam, but opinions vary on the differences of degree and kind among those labeled <em>Islamists</em>. This book debates what exactly is said when we use this contentious term in discussing Muslim religion, tradition, and social conflict. Two lead essays offer differing viewpoints: Donald K. Emmerson argues that Islamism is a useful term for a range of Muslim reform movementsーvery few of which advocate violenceーwhile Daniel M. Varisco counters that the public specter of violence and terrorism by Islamists too often infects the public perceptions of Islam more generally. Twelve commentaries, written by Muslim and non-Muslim intellectuals, enrich the debate with differing insights and perspectives.</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。
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- 商品価格:2,284円
- レビュー件数:0件
- レビュー平均:0
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@smc_4819629 2020/01/27 00:10
@smc_4819629 えへへ
@LElG0 2020/01/27 00:18
RT @Hakase_Fuyuki: 一緒に見ていく配信のためにSMC組新衣装コンテストのGoogleフォームを運営さんからいただいたんですけど応募総数168!らしい!すごい.......すごい.....ほんとうにありがとうございました....配信日は現在予定すり合わせ中なので…
@Thissk2 2020/01/27 00:48
出願日:2019-06-26 ほか1
続き https://t.co/9Ab6McoZVn https://t.co/DSHqiwmLtv@dsign365 2020/01/27 01:20
@mentaiko_SMC 2020/01/27 01:09
@smc_4819629 だよねぇ、
早く寝なよー()@_axpt 2020/01/27 00:30