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TOP > 【新入荷★特別価格】2010 シャプティエエルミタージュ・ルージュ ル・パヴィヨン マグナム 1500mlフランス / ローヌ / 赤ワイン

【新入荷★特別価格】2010 シャプティエエルミタージュ・ルージュ ル・パヴィヨン マグナム 1500mlフランス / ローヌ / 赤ワイン

生産者シャプティエChapoutierヴィンテージ2010ワイン名エルミタージュ・ルージュ ル・パヴィヨンErmitage Rouge Le Pavillon容量1500ml解説パーカーポイント: 100点予想される飲み頃:2022 - 2072Tasting like the concentrated blood from an aged and grilled strip steak, the 2010 Ermitage Le Pavillon boasts a black/purple color along with creme de cassis, camphor, pen ink, white flower and lead pencil shaving characteristics in its massive, full-bodied personality. It almost defies description because of its ethereal concentration and off-the-charts extract levels. This is not for the faint of heart, or those who lack patience, as it will require 10-15 years of bottle age, and, as previously stated, will keep for 50 or more. There are just over 1,000 cases of the 2010 Le Pavillon, another perfect wine in the constellation of profound wines produced by Michel Chapoutier. (204, The Wine Advocate, 27th Dec 2012)


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